Thursday, February 25, 2010

In which I make a simple request

Dear Italian man who rides a vespa into center city,

Can we carpool?

That blonde girl you keep passing

P.S. I'm not actually doing renegade blogging -- we entered blizzard part THREE last night, so when I stepped outside this morning with my bedraggled attempt at an outfit and looming sore throat, and then saw my Italian friend zooming past, I decided to call it a day. I'm trying to convince myself this is in fact not "giving up" or "losing" but rather "being smart". However, as the kid who prides myself on the fact that I never missed more than two half-days from K-12th grade (half the fact I have freakish nordic genes and rarely get sick, half the fact that I loved school too much), it's a bit of a hard sell.

P.P.S. I realize that, in my haste, I forgot an AHFOD last time. The horror! SO, I'll make it up to you by giving you a super awesome one (again, "super awesome" in the context of historical facts,'s all relative). Nevertheless, as my thesis is on newspapers and I'm currently knee-deep in thesis-ing, this one will be newspaper themed: In case you were ever wondering, the terms "cliche" and "stereotype" actually come from the early printing days, and were synonymous back then. When a phrase or whole block of words was used repeatedly, printers would make a ready-made plate cast of the text, so they wouldn't have to set things letter-by-letter each time. So, any over-used phrase was then quickly called a "cliche"!

Anyway, just a penny for your thoughts. Here's hoping these blizzards won't continue to rain on my parade. I'm not holding my breath, but perhaps third time's a charm?

1 comment:

  1. send some blizzards our way!!
    the Bostonian who keeps reading your blog <3
