Tuesday, February 9, 2010

In which the blizzard comes back for more.

Being from the Bay Area and therefore unaware of what "winter" actually means, I was under the impression that blizzards only happen once each winter. Not sure where I got this idea from (wishful thinking?), but I've clearly been misinformed. I also have yet to master the ability of the 36-hour forecast on my morning weather.com check. Let's observe the following conversation I had with my boss today...

Boss: Sooo, it looks like it's going to start snowing a little earlier than they expected.
Me: It's supposed to snow today?
Boss: *laughs* uhhh...yes.
Me: Oh...like a lot?
Boss: Casey! It's going to be another blizzard!!
Me: ...that can happen?
Boss: ...yes.
Me: Huh.
Boss: So, just wanted to let you know that tomorrow's going to be a snow day, so we won't be opening.

(I love my job, but what Californian doesn't get way too excited about the concept of a REAL SNOW DAY)

So, I made my way home tonight in epic time. When you're racing impending blizzard clouds, you tend to move quickly. But I did discover some gems in the archive today -- most importantly, I have now found my new favorite song. While perusing a collection of sheet music, I stumbled on a classic that I couldn't pass up. Not sure how this little ditty never made it into the history books, but I'm feeling the need to bring it back. It's entitled "My Mustache is Growing", written sometime around 1860. The first verse goes a little something like this...

"My mustache is growing
Its genial warmth bestowing
Its beauty takes the eye of all of Chestnut Street
Come forth like a fairy
So stiff and so hairy
And ramble on my upper lip so neat"

I really wish I could have been a fly on the wall when the men of the tavern all joined in on this one.

Now onto the AHFOD (awesome historical fact of the day, in case you've forgotten...and today it's themed! Just go with it.) In addition to looking through unfortunately-forgotten ballads from the days of yore, I also spent some of the day perusing a print collection, which happened to include a set of Valentine's Day cards from the 1840s and 1850s. Eager to read bromance-inspired exclamations of love, I started looking through them...only to find that V-Day back in the day was quite different. Apparently, sentimental valentines were on the pricey side; so, people, being generally cheap, usually bought comic valentines instead, which ran for about a penny. And apparently, nothing said comic affection quite like insults wrapped up in a jaunty limerick. Here are two of my favorites, taken from actual V-Day cards:

Card #1: Daughter of the Devil
If all that God e're made was good
Some things like you we must find evil
And we must think, at least we should
That you're the offspring of the Devil

Card #2: Queen of the Ugly Club
While monarchs are trembling on Europe's thrones,
The Queen of the Uglies need have no fear;
There's none, I'm sure, in these Western zones
Who will ever dispute your title clear.

...and with that, I'm off to brace for blizzard part two. I may soon be investing in a waterproof snuggie.

1 comment:

  1. hot chocolate date tomorrow? the snow looks absolutely crazy from my window.
